

Why Engineering for Kids?

Introducing Engineering to children at an early age brings a host of benefits!

If you want kids to get interested in Engineering then it is very important that you first introduce and explain the meaning of it. Engineering is a field that involves taking our scientific understanding of the natural world and using it to invent, design, and build things to solve problems and achieve practical goals.

Have you ever noticed the spark in kids’ eyes or the enthusiasm that kids have when asked to build a bridge from popsicle sticks or build the highest tower using toothpicks and marshmallows or take a lego challenge to build a zoo? It is because they can relate to it. It is something that fascinates them. We need to generate the same spark in them for Engineering. The earlier they start the better because they learn how to apply what they know about science and math and this eventually enhances their love for learning and knowledge. Not only things, applying real life scenarios and problems helps children see and visualize how subjects like math and science are relevant to their real lives. Children learn to notice this application in their day-to-day lives which otherwise goes unnoticed! Thus, by tying objects or concepts that kids are excited about into engineering, we can help them see how engineering impacts everyday life.

The engineering design process can be used as a powerful problem-solving tool and can help in building the self-confidence of the young generation. In the field of Engineering failure is an important aspect! This is a field that not only helps build perseverance among kids but also helps develop problem-solving skills and a positive thinking attitude. Failure is a very important teacher that every child should be introduced to. Hands-on engineering activities empower young children to see themselves as problem solvers. Kids should know that just as in the field of Engineering there is no one “right” answer in Life as well; one problem can have many solutions depending on the perspective of an individual or his priorities – this is an important life lesson that kids can learn through Engineering!